Saturday, July 3, 2010

3 July: Paleography and Praise

Blogging from the John F. Germany Public Library in Tampa, Florida:

3 July is my day for paleography, it seems.  Last year on this date, 3 July 2009, I was speaking at the national convention of the Sons of the American Revolution in Atlanta, on the subject:  "Paleography: Interpreting Old Handwriting, Spanish and English."

Today I gave that same presentation to the Florida Genealogical Society of Tampa.  Wonder where I'll be talking about paleography next July 3?

The presentation went well and was well-received.  This one of my favorite talks to give (the other one being "Our Black Sheep Ancestors: How to Approach Them").  I had some new examples, which worked very well.

That's the paleography; now the praise.

One of the members of the Florida Genealogical Society of Tampa is George G. Morgan, author of a number of books on genealogy, leader of guided tours to Britain for genealogical research, columnist on, and one of the "Genealogy Guys" podcast.  He introduced himself and told me, "I love your book on the Florida censuses."  He told me how he has told a number of libraries they need the book.

I consider that high praise, and a good review.

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