Friday, March 20, 2020

A to Z Challenge -- Theme Reveal

Now that I have retired and have time on my hands, I'm getting back into doing my own genealogy.

So I'm trying to be a good do-bee and revive this blog.  I am going to attempt the A to Z Challenge next month.

We are supposed to have a theme.  Since my family has been nomadic for a long time, more on my father's side than my mother's, my theme is going to be On The Move.  Let's see if I can come up with a post to match each letter of the alphabet with that theme!

It's funny -- we talk about "moving" from one place to another.  "Migration" is what our ancestors did.  But really, when we move from one part of the country to another, we are migrating.  

So let's see what I can say about my migrations and those of my ancestors!

1 comment:

Weekends in Maine said...

My daughter is taking a genealogy class right now and is having so much fun learning about our ancestors. Enjoy researching your posts for the challenge. I look forward to reading them.Weekends In Maine