Thursday, May 2, 2024

A to Z Challenge 2024 - All Wrapped Up

 This year I got farther into blogging in the A to Z Challenge than I have ever got before.  Maybe next year, life will have simmered down and I might complete the whole program.  This year,  our daughter's illness has overshadowed everything.  

I wish to thank everyone who read my blog and who commented.  The poor thing has been somewhat neglected in the past several years, and the A to Z Challenge was a great way to rejuvenate it.  All of you helped me in that effort, and you have my gratitude.  What seems funny is that my participation in this challenge has been in the last three presidential-election years!  I won't wait four years before doing it again!

I am also participating in the 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks challenge, created and curated by Amy Johnson Crow.  I got into it late, again due to the stressful events mentioned above.  I'll do my best to keep up with it! 

Delving into my ancestors' occupations and professions was an interesting journey, especially the discovery of a female journalist of the early 20th Century in the family.  

So many times, our findings about our ancestors may puzzle us in some of their practices, beliefs, and opinions, and the ways they conducted their lives.  It is wise to remember, as we historians do, that "The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there."  (L. P. Hartley, The Go-Between (1953))

Thank you again!


Kristin said...

I meant to follow your blog, but somehow didn't! I'm sorry your daughter is ill. I will be back to read some of your posts. The topic seems very interesting.

Anne Young said...

Congratulations on participating in the challenge. Thank you also for visiting my blog and leaving comments.

I did make a good start on the 52 ancestors challenge this year but the A to Z took precedence. It is a big effort I know and difficult if you are coping with other things too. I hope your daughter recovers.
