Monday, January 6, 2025

Randy Seaver's Saturday Night Genealogy Fun: Goals

This week's Saturday Night Genealogy Fun asks:

1)  What are your genealogy goals for 2025?  Consider genealogy research, education, organizing, service, writing, and whatever else you care to share.

My main genealogy goal this year is to enroll in the non-credit courses in genealogy offered by Boston UniversityI'd like to sharpen my skills.

Another goal is to finish my revision of Richards Packard: His Ancestors and Descendants, a family history of my direct line from my fourth great-grandfather.  I have found much more information, so a revision is needed.  I will deposit copies with the Georgeville, Quebec, Canada, Historical Society, the Library of Congress, and the New England Historic Genealogical Society.

I need to finish investigating land ownership in East Tennessee by my mother's ancestor, Teter Nave.  I'm hoping to be able to go back far enough and, with other information, apply to the First Families of Franklin lineage society.

I'm thinking of contacting my county's board of education to see if they'd be interested in a course on genealogy in their continuing education program.

 I think that's probably enough.  These, alone, will make for a busy year.

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